Smart soil and water measuring instruments

Sensors and Probes

Empire United Ltd. presents an extensive assortment of soil and water-related sensors, encompassing soil moisture, water level, water discharge, and meteorological sensors. Discover the intelligent solution to your data management challenges within our collection. These devices can be seamlessly linked to a modem for automatic data transmission to your designated data center.

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Measuring instruments and data loggers

Our array of measuring instruments and data loggers offers the means to monitor diverse attributes of soil and water. These devices gather critical data that empowers you to execute smart monitoring and sensing activities. With features such as internal logging memory or direct connectivity to modems and other data transmission devices, our meters and sensors supply the insights necessary to determine appropriate responses to shifts in soil and water conditions.

Engineered for long-term measurements, these sensors, meters, probes, and loggers can be installed once, enabling data collection over extended periods.

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Monitoring well with GDT Prime Plus modem

Water sensors

Our water sensors present a convenient solution for monitoring multiple water attributes without the need for frequent manual measurements. Simply install the device and allow it to collect pertinent data. Our instruments are capable of measuring water level, temperature, electrical conductivity, and discharge.

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HydraProbe soil sensor

Soil sensors

Maintaining optimal soil moisture is paramount for the health of flora and fauna. Although additional irrigation can impact moisture levels, having a clear understanding of current levels is essential. Our soil sensors offer precise information in this regard, with a range of options tailored to your specific information requirements.

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Monitoring groundwater

Read-out units

While a Diver efficiently accumulates data, direct read-out from the Diver may not be possible. To address this, we offer various read-out units that facilitate the extraction of data collected by your dataloggers.

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Baro Diver connected to modems


Our selection also includes supplementary tools and instruments crucial for the successful long-term monitoring of soil and water attributes.

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