Using the Eijkelkamp peristaltic pump
Using the Eijkelkamp peristaltic pump
Groundwater Sampling Device

Peristaltic Pumps

Empire United Ltd. offers a robust peristaltic pump designed to excel in a diverse range of field conditions. This pump is suitable for sampling both liquids and gases. It is available in two versions: electronic and manual.

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Using the Eijkelkamp peristaltic pump

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Peristaltic pump - hand operated

Manual Peristaltic Pump

  • Suitable for Anaerobic, Water, and Groundwater Sampling
  • Capable of pumping to depths of up to 9.5 meters
  • Prevents cross-contamination through interchangeable tubing
Peristaltic pump - 12 VDC advanced

Advanced 12 VDC Peristaltic Pump

  • Designed for Anaerobic, Water, and Groundwater Sampling
  • Ideal for well sampling at depths of up to 9 meters
  • Minimizes cross-contamination with interchangeable tubing